Why Regular Roof Inspections and Maintenance Are Important

Your roof constantly faces weather extremes and harsh elements. Over time, small openings can develop and cause water to seep into the material below and your attic. This can lead to costly roof repair and water damage to the rest of your house when not addressed immediately.

Find out why the best way to avoid damage in your home is through regular roof inspections and maintenance.   

Delay Roof Replacement

Neglected roofs are at risk of premature wear. Without regular maintenance, you might have to replace your roof five to ten years earlier. The cost of routine maintenance is significantly less compared to a roof repair or replacement. If you’re living in your forever home, then the more you should take good care of your roof. 

Preserve Your Interior

Your decor, furniture and appliances are probably costlier than a roof repair bill. Water from a leaking roof can damage your walls and ceilings as well as cause mold growth. Mold releases spores that can trigger allergic reactions and even an asthma attack. 

Prevent Structural Damage

Excessive moisture causes rotting in the wooden parts of your roof and attic as well as lead to rusted steel. This compromises your home’s structural integrity. 

Keep Your Home Safe

You might attempt to catch water from a leaking roof using a trash can but it can block the hallway and even cause accidents. The bin may not be able to catch all leaks and puddles can begin to form on the roof. Someone can slip on it and get hurt or injured. 

Choose Wood’s Roofing to ensure your home’s protection against weather extremes and your family’s indoor comfort. We are a local roofing contractor with over three decades of experience so rest assured all your roofing needs are met. Call us at (863) 225-0603 or complete our online form to request a free quote. We serve homeowners in Lakeland and Winter Haven.